Programs that fuel children’s learning and development might be at risk.

Congress is currently reviewing the laws that govern and fund all federal child nutrition programs that increase access to healthy food for millions of children across the U.S.  The current law, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, is set to expire this year on September 30.

Child nutrition programs, ranging from school breakfast to summer meals, ensure kids of all ages receive the proper nutrition for healthy development, as well as the energy and focus needed to learn and succeed in and out of school. They are an investment in the health of Colorado kids and a better future for all Coloradans.

Learn more about Child Nutrition Reauthorization and the impacted programs.



We need your help to protect and strengthen these programs that help Colorado kids thrive and achieve their potential! Here are some easy ways to take action:

  • Contact your Members of Congress via email, phone or social media.
    1. Send an email via an easy-to-use online advocacy system.
    2. Call their offices, and use this sample script as a guide.
    3. Use social media to connect with your members of Congress. (View their accounts, hashtags and sample posts.)
  • Submit a letter to the editor to the daily newspaper near you.
  • Use social media to amplify your voice. Share information, use #fuelCOkids and encourage others to take action.
  • Share your story about the need and/or benefits of child nutrition programs in your family’s life, your school or your community. (Send them to or post to social media and tag with #fuelCOkids.)
  • Spread the word! Organizations, groups and community members can use our action toolkit to educate and encourage others to take action. It includes sample content for social media, blogs, newsletters and more.


Customize this template letter to the editor, and easily send it to the daily newspaper near you.


Access this comprehensive action toolkit for facts, sample social media posts and web copy, and more: